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FAQs About Ordering Banners:
Q: What are the required file types and photo resolution?
A: Required file types are PNG and PDF. Recommended photo resolution is 300 DPI.
Q: I only have a JPG image from my cellphone. How can I change my image to one of the required file types?
A: Changing your JPG image to a PNG is easy. Open the image, right click and select "save as."
In the menu you’ll see fields for file name and save as type. Simply change the selection from JPG to PNG.
Q: How can I remove the background from my photo?
A: We recommend using Adobe Express to easily remove the background from your image.
Follow the link to easily remove the background from your image.
Upon download you’ll be able to select your file type. Select either PNG or PDF.
You've requested more than is available.
18 are currently available.
You've requested more than is available.
18 are currently available.
82 more will be available on 08/19/2019.
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